Our faces are in a magazine!

You can find us in this month's issue of the Wirtschaft Konkret magazine

Lukas Frey Executive director
published 4 months ago

Some time ago we had a nice interview with Peter Burdack at Tech Tower, where we talked about the current business situation in Pilsen, about the Tech Tower building, which was officially opened in February 2023, and about how we as Guava s.r.o. moved our office to Tech Tower.

We are happy to be among the very first members of the local coworking space and to have had the opportunity to talk about it in an interview. We were pleasantly surprised to see our faces in the latest issue of the magazine Wirtschaft Konkret, published by IHK Regensburg für Oberpfalz / Kelheim.

You can check out the online version of the article here.

Front page of the Wirtschaft Konkret magazine

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Lukas Frey Executive director
Contact me lukas.frey@guava.cz
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